Friday, August 3, 2012

Hello kitty theremin

Hey check this out! I think I'm a totally talented artist. Pachelbel's Canon in D on my Hello Kitty Theremin! And Part one of a series of films on free styling, which is vastly different from freestyling.
555 square wave oscillator with a light sensor. Simple and beautiful. I thought about what to do with this one and I decided that it would be cool to just keep it plain and simple. I know it doesn't sound anything like cannon in d I just thought it would be funny to boldly title the video that in a blatant attempt to get more veiws. a sheematic:

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Teenie genie freestyle

I was doing a demo for my hello kitty synth and I felt like making something for fun. I know It's not technically a freestyle that's just the catchy title. It's part of an old song of mine done in a slightly different way. I used my 12v lunch box rockin' fossils amp and my voice of music harmonica microphone, and of course my lowrey teenie genie. The amp is for sale.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

blue sea moss monster

This is a one bit sea moss pattern generator with a low pass filter. I housed it in a stationary box from a dollar store spirograph set. I love the way it came out. Recorded on July 31, 2013. And here's a before pic:
A shee matic
and the finished product:

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

TAZO tea tin mania

A while back a good friend of mine gave me a bunch of Tazo tea tins and they're turnin' out to be pretty handy enclosures for amps and synths.Thanks Amy!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Playing three or four instruments at one time

Hi, This is a video I made playing one of my altoids APCs, drums, and Harmonica all at the same time. I titled it three or four instruments because I don't know if you want to count maracas. I think it's worth noting that I didn't practice this at all, I just got a little time on my hands so I jammed and recorded it. Now that I've watched it I can go back and re-do it later. Enjoy. Recorded on June 17, 2012 using a Flip Video camcorder.
Late night jam session, just messing around with my hammond piper II and drum set. fun stuff, I know the drums are a little sloppy I haven't practiced it yet. Recorded on July 25, 2012

Hammond Piper II beats through DATABASS

This pedal is a beast as well as an instrument of mass destruction. It has a oscillator with switchable LDR (light dependent resistor), so it can be played as a theremin stand alone instrument. You can also switch the oscillator to gated and the tone will only come out when you play through it, as a effect, it is an over the top fuzz octave/8-bit sound. You can use the light sensor to modulate the tones like a wah pedal. The pedal runs on internal 9 volt or 9 volt adapter, it has a true bypass foot stomper, switchable LDR/knob pitch control, and volume control.
I love how this Databass turned out.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

8 Bit Databass

8 Bit Databass mega pedal

This is a custom pedal I was contracted to build for someone I thought it turned out pretty good I thought I'd share it with you. It's an all new pedal. It's Two effects in one. On one side you've got a synth fuzz that is a square wave oscillator with a light sensor, A faux theremin, for purists. Its a square wave oscillator/ fuzz pedal; the synth is a VCO that is powered by whatever instrument you are playing through but you can switch off the gate and use it as a stand alone instrument. The fuzz/synth side has volume, sensitivity, and power starve. On the other side, Its a ring mod / weird LFO/ tremolo effect with a lot of range. There are blend and rate controls for that effect.
Got some new stuff posted at my etsy store:
Hello! first post, I'm way behind and I don't know where to begin so I'm just going to start tippen ein.